[video mp4="http://viacommtvstrmfs.fplive.net/gsp.egvrenditions/mtv.com/2016/04/09/01/50/10/6c281e292e5f41f7b8aa7c6ed9864c8a/04PR-Deadpool_SFM_Deleted_5YearMontage-H264_1280x720_3500_h32.mp4" poster="http://i2.wp.com/superheronews.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/DeadpoolDeletedSceneMTV.jpg?resize=800,450"]

There are three things all superhero movies, even R-rated ones, have in common: explosions, firm butts, and training montages. Deadpool was no exception. Faced with his biggest challenge yet, Wade Wilson embarks on a ceremonial training montage to prepare for battle with Ajax — and MTV News is exclusively debuting the never-before-seen extended scene starring the Merc himself, and Blind Al, as featured on the upcoming Blu-ray and DVD release of Deadpool, out May 10.